Property Hail Claim Guide

It’s no secret that Texas experiences a large amount of hail storms each year. In the last 5 years, that number has grown. The chances of your home getting hit by hail increases every year. For some people, they may go 20 years without a claim. Others are not so lucky. Whether it is your 3rd claim or 1st claim, this guide can be used to help you complete the process.

The first step is to identify damage to the home. Many roofers are trained to do this, and you can often see damage from the ground.

The next step is to make a claim with your carrier by contacting their claim line or submitting online (Check your service card we provide with all renewals and new policies). You usually have about 180 days to make the claim. Other carriers may allow you to file a claim even later than that. You will need your policy number and the date of loss to set up the claim. After the call, you will be assigned an adjuster who will take over from here. They will set up a time to meet and check the damage. You do not have to have a contractor by this point but is recommended so they can communicate with the adjuster at the time of the inspection.

Once the inspection by the adjuster is completed, they will determine the cost to fix the damage. When it is approved, a payment will be sent to you to begin the repair. The payment will be the actual cash value of the loss (Replacement cost minus depreciation). You will need to hire a contractor by this point to complete the repair. If the contractor disagrees with the amount, they can submit a supplemental for more coverage. The adjuster will have to approve this to offer more.  

If you have a replacement cost policy, you will receive an additional payment once the work is completed and proof is sent to the adjuster. This payment is the depreciation amount. At the end of the claim, only your deductible and any upgrades you requested will come out of your pocket.

The deductible for wind and hail claims is different compared to your all peril deductible. As of right now, all carriers require at least a 1% wind and hail deductible. This is 1% of your dwelling coverage. If your structure is covered at $200,000, your deductible will be $2,000.

Contact us today if you have any more questions about hail claims.